Reply to Re: Page centered in IE7 but not in FF2.0

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Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 11/14/07 10:48

Scripsit John L.:

> richard wrote:
>> You show <div class="center"> as well as <div id="center">.
>> It is also not a good idea to use "tag words" as names. If you
>> insist, use something like "acenter" and "bcenter".

That was clueless, not unexpectedly considering the posting history.

> Using '.center' is fine because <center> is a deprecated
> presentational element and shouldn't be thought of as a tag at all.

That wasn't much better. You give advice on HTML in public but cannot even
distinguish between elements and tags. Moreover, using "center" as a class
name is basically as presentational as <center> or <div align="center">.
Actually the so-called deprecated markup alternatives are better because
they are more honest: the say, in HTML, what presentational effect is
desired, whereas class="center" assigns just a class name, with no meaning
defined in HTML, and not suggestive of _semantics_ to a human reader.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

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