Posted by dE|_ on 11/14/07 15:25
"1001 Webs" gave socipathical nature... See
> Is that what you call proof of your alleged blindness?
> Hardly so.
> Are you implying perhaps that Pulse Data Australia is related to your
> activities in any way?
Point 9: Callousness/Lack of Empathy
>> It's a little old as I am now heading in to my third year at
>> university
> Could you please tell everybody which University you're attending to?
> That's a straighforward and unbeatable easy to reply question, so
> don't try to avoid it.
Point 18: Authoritarian
>> but I think you'll get the point, unless your as cluless as
>> you appear to be!.
> Not really, pls explain.
Point 2: Manipulative and Conning
>> BTW where not por vonerable people YOU STUPID GIT!
> This one I didn't understand either ...
As above.
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