Reply to Re: Examples of Websites and Graphic Art created by Children

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/14/07 20:41

dorayme wrote:
> In article <>,
> "paul watt" <> wrote:
>> Chad, just killfile this muppet, hes not worth your time
>> --
>> Paul Watt
> Chad, I kf'd this creep ages ago; so he must be *real* bad...
> <g>. So follow the advice rf and paul are giving you.
> (just btw, Chad, I always read our posts with an especially acute
> ear for anything to do with accessibility, All such things are
> greatly appreciated. You should do more of it! And also btw, I
> had a blind student once who was the most brilliant of all the
> students in that particular year and went on to hold down big
> jobs and contribute in big ways to community life in NSW. And a
> former partner of mine used to work for the Royal Blind Society
> and it is an organization much to be respected. I can barely
> stand hearing that web1000 creep talking to you like this!)

Oh, he's even worse than you think. How about this email he sent to one
of the organizations I belong to...

I think you should know that your member Jerry Stuckle who advertises as
the MD of JDS Computer Training Corp. at your page: is not telling the
truth. There's no such corporation. The JDS Computer company that
existed was forfeited in 1996. The other company that Jerry Stuckle is
principal of is Smartech, which has been forfeited last year by the
Maryland Taxpayer Services Division: click on
Business Database Searches:

Of course, the first thing they did was call me and ask me who was this
guy. I just explained he's a sociopath who seems obsessed with me.
They know the status of my businesses. And they know where both
corporations are registered :-)

He really is a sad case. I hope he gets help soon.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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