Posted by mbstevens on 11/16/07 05:42
dorayme wrote:
> In article <13jpmvddokb947a@corp.supernews.com>,
> mbstevens <NOXwebmasterx@xmbstevensx.com> wrote:
>>> You tried Australian beer?
>> Even the convenience stores carry those huge cans of Foster <sp?>
>> Tastes like beer.
> Well, not so much to me any more. Those are the very commercial
> brews made mainly with sugar (cheap and plentiful is sugar over
> here). There are better ones made with more malt grain. In fact,
> best of all are the ones made without sugar and that usually
> means German or European or home brew.
> Huge cans?
Yes, it's marketed humorously here in fat cans about twice the size
of a regular 12oz. beer.
Scene: A seedy aussie bar.
Announcer: How do you speak Australian?
A guy leans over and whispers something in a young lady's ear.
She wheels on him and drops him to the floor with a right hook.
Announcer: Courtship.
> Here, the main supply of "tinnies" is in a 375g form.
> In bottles these are known as stubbies. A long-neck is a 750g
> bottle. There may be tins of this latter quantities too but
> Australians don't much drink those. It is a sign of trouble when
> a fellow opens a long neck and lifts it to his mouth. Ladies, of
> course, would never dream of it.
My finely attuned taste buds are calibrated for subtle differences
in picante sauces and jalapeño preparations. It's all I can do to
taste the difference between Cabernet and fortified port.
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