Posted by Mika on 11/17/07 12:29
"Andrι Gillibert" <tabkanDELETETHISnaz@yahodeletethato.fr> wrote in message
> Mika wrote:
>> That does work http://tinyurl.com/324enb so the theory is sound BUT the
>> problem is php does to work correctly with our Google Maps integration,
>> and
>> also we use SSI such as <!--#include virtual="/_borders/top.htm"-->
>> which is
>> why we need shtml.
> If you use Apache, you can use rewrite_mod.
> A URI doesn't need to hold the name of the resource on the server side.
> Anyway, changing the URI terminal characters shouldn't change the behavior
> of user agents.
> The fact is: Opera and probably some others RFC-2616 conforming user
> agents doesn't cache, by default, resources the URI of which contains a
> request string following a question mark.
> Please, don't rely on this ridiculous hack. Use proper HTTP headers to
> prevent caching.
I agree. What headers should we try?
Is it as simple as changing the doctype?
Thanks for all the help so far.
> --
> If you've a question that doesn't belong to Usenet, contact me at
> <tabkanDELETETHISnaz@yahoDELETETHATo.fr>
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