Posted by Green Xenon [Radium] on 11/17/07 19:52
On Nov 15, 8:19 pm, richard <s...@google.dom> wrote in
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.html/msg/dae907238d6cc48c :
> Given the date of the incident, anything
> could have happened while someone
> was online. After all, windows 1.0 was
> just beginning to live.
Windows 1.0 was not the norm in '90. Windows 3.0 [obviously more
advanced than 1.0] was the most common Windows OS in that year.
My dad used Win 3.0 during that year.
On Nov 15, 7:49 pm, "Mark Fitzpatrick" <markf...@fitzme.com> wrote in
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.html/msg/83bf7ffa7adf908b :
> Too bad there wasn't anything such as
> Cascading style sheets in 1990, not to
> mention the general public didn't have
> much access to the internet at all
> and ther was no world wide web.
There was internet access in '90. However, it was in the form of 14.4
kbps dial-up modems using Frequency-Shift-Keying modulation.
On Nov 16, 5:02 am, jmc <NOnewsgroupsS...@NOjodiBODY.HOMEus> wrote in
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.html/msg/a27f45296fc671cc :
> speaking of dissociative states.
> Wow. Will it kill my dog too?
Possible. The mind is very powerful. Extremely intense emotions can
cause memory blackouts, coma, paralysis, and even death.
Here, do a google search:
Read this post:
It may give insight as to why I posted this message.
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