Posted by John Salerno on 11/20/07 04:14
John Salerno wrote:
> Hi everyone. I recently moved my website to a new (free) address and
> I've noticed that now the style sheet for one section isn't working
> anymore. It's this page and any of the links:
> http://johnjsal.infernohost.net/gestalt/
> The stylesheet link is:
> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../style/msdn.css" />
> and I've retained the same structure as before, so I'm not sure why it
> doesn't still work the same.
> The only difference is that previously, the link was a subdomain like
> this: gestalt.johnjsal.com, whereas now it's just an extra directory at
> the end of the URL. But still, does this have anything to do with it?
> Thanks,
> John
P.S. This is the structure:
"gestalt" directory contains the index.html file and the folders:
functions, tutorial, and style
"functions" directory contains the pages for everything but the
"Tutorial" link, which is contained in the "tutorial" directory
"style" directory contains "MSDN.css"
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