Posted by Rik Wasmus on 11/21/07 23:40
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 23:56:50 +0100, BKDotCom <bkfake-google@yahoo.com> =
> I have a problem I can't crack.
> I have the following example directory structure
> /some_arbitrary_path/htdocs/ ( also $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] )
> /some_arbitrary_path/htdocs/common is a symbolic link to
> /some_different_path/common/
> if $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/common/some_script.php' gets
> included...
> it works just fine, however, within some_script.php
> __FILE__ =3D=3D /some_different_path/common/some_script.php
> So:
> How do I determine that __FILE__ does in fact fall inside the
> and/or, get a the value of the path that I included (one with /
> arbitrary_path)
> and/or, determine the "html path" to some_script.php is '/common/
> some_script.php'?
How the user 'got' there is usually easily checked by examing the $_SERV=
ER =
array (PHP_SELF/REQUEST_URI), this only tells you about the 'entrypoint'=
though, not the location of the file ro the root if it was included.
To the real question:"Can I determine how this file was included?": Not =
easily AFAIK. You could play around with __FILE__, get_included_files(),=
is_link() && readlink(). What are you going to use this information for =
BTW? You might be better off checking getcwd() then __FILE__...
A quick mock up:
function _euhm_included_by_name_or_something($file){
$included =3D get_included_files();
//straight include
if(array_search($file,$included)!=3D=3Dfalse) return $file;
foreach($included as $include){
//included as symlink?
if(is_link($include) && readlink($include)=3D=3D$file) return $include=
return false;
With a file included multiple times using different symlinks, one cannot=
determine by which one it was AFAIK. And offcourse, one might have to wa=
lk =
through the path do determine wether one of the directories was a symlin=
k, =
absolute paths differ from relative ones, etc, etc (haven't got a linux =
box to test properly handy right now) but you get the idea.
A really, really dirty way of determining how this file was called, is =
offcourse to perform a debug_backtrace() as the first statement in the =
file, and check with what arguments a possible include_*/require_* was =
actually called. Unless absolutely needed, I'd stay clear of this option=
: =
debug_backtrace() should be for debugging, and can create a considerable=
unwanted overhead.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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