Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 11/23/07 13:22
In alt.html, Mika wrote:
> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" wrote:
>> Still waiting, ten minutes later (on a 10Mbps connection), for
>> whatever that "progress bar" is supposed to represent.
> I wonder what the precise reason is that all the v2 Firefox browser
> machines we can test on work perfectly, yet only in this group do
> they apparently not. Do you have a standard installation, or any
> altered settings that may cause it?
Other than Web Developer Toolbar, Firebug, and some adblock extensions
(in rather common usage), there is nothing unusual about my Firefox.
> We also have and the page loads in 2 seconds over a 4Mb/s line and
> works perfectly every refresh.
You are much closer to your server, perhaps.
14 33ms 31ms 193ms TTL: 0
(if-0-0.mcore4.NQT-NewYork.teleglobe.net ok)
15 109ms 110ms 109ms TTL: 0
(if-2-0.core1.LDN-London.Teleglobe.net ok)
16 113ms 113ms 110ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
17 136ms 138ms 137ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
18 136ms 138ms 137ms TTL: 0
(thn-mer.10g.lon.as33970.net fraudulent rDNS)
19 135ms 134ms 133ms TTL:107
(http1.yourwebservers.com bogus rDNS: host not found [authoritative])
>> Why does this page have an ugly purple background? (Think about that.)
> Could you elaborate please? It is white.
No, it isn't. It is whatever my (and your) browser's default background
color is. You haven't assigned one to body {} in your CSS.
I see you have removed the hundreds of useless keywords from your
<title> elements. At least we got that fixed...
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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