Posted by Bone Ur on 11/24/07 21:06
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 18:23:05
GMT Sherman Pendley scribed:
> So tell me - as a customer, what motivation do I have to enable
> VirusScript, wait for minutes for each of your pages to load, and turn
> off my preferred music, just for the privilege of shopping at your
> site? Why shouldn't I just go to Amazon.com instead, which loads
> quickly, works without VirusScript, and remains blissfully silent?
Good point - regardless of any connotations to the OP's site. This past
year, I've spent over $1,000.00 at amazon.com, and except for one special
company-owned-and-operated site, I've done no other online purchasing. I
like amazon.com because it functions correctly and facilely, it's fast, and
it's decently efficient. When I wish to buy something, the last thing I
want to do is ditz around.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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