Posted by Blinky the Shark on 11/24/07 23:51
Bone Ur wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 16:57:49 GMT
> Blinky the Shark scribed:
>>> GMT Blinky the Shark scribed:
>>>>>> Speaking of mouthsful...
>>>>>> http://blinkynet.net/sharks/stinkydent.html
>>>>> I see your point. The "before" Stinky looks more like a failed
>>>>> patent application for a back scratcher, at least to humans.
>>>>> However, maybe some fish thought he might've been nibbling at oysters
>>>>> just a little too enthusiastically.
>>>> You didn't confuse Before and After, didya?
>>> Nah, though it is fairly true that all fish look alike to me.
>> Speciesist! ;)
> Like that word. 'Never been called that before and I've been called a lot
> of things. But the fact is that fish just don't have any civil rights.
> They also smell and swim with their own poop so is it any wonder that
> people generally consider them repulsive except in a frying pan? I
> personally don't have anything against fish per se, but most of them are
> still wet behind the ears and being so basically worthless doesn't
> particularly lead the higher life forms to generate much thought about the
> subject one way or the other. Fish themselves probably look at it as a
> sort of prolonged version of "War of the Worlds" and realize their
> inadequacies are just part of their miserable daily existence.
Worthless? Worthless?! If it weren't for us, the world (well the
oceans) would be crawling with groupers...and you know how bad that
would be from seeing the Google variety all over usenet.
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