Posted by Blinky the Shark on 11/26/07 22:15
Bone Ur wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 01:59:30
> GMT Blinky the Shark scribed:
>>>> Bordering on arrogance, in fact. :)
>>> Oh, like a Google grouper?
>> Groupers <spit> are just clueless.
>> Ow. That hurt. I think sharks aren't supposed to spit.
> Probably don't have the cheeks for it. Or maybe one of the tin cans came
> up.
Yeah. The gills are kind of right there.
>>> Yes, sharks are called "the perfect eating machine". But what else
>>> do they do that's interesting? I would hardly say that spending a
>>> life just swimming and eating equates to having achieved perfection
>>> on any reasonable scale in the universe as a whole.
>> Well, we boink. That's pretty fun. And we do it in public.
>> Other than that: Swim to live; live to swim.
> And when you're called for the final judgment, what are you gonna say?
> "I boinked and swam in oblivious malaise..."? Now that I think about it,
I'm gonna say --> http://blinkynet.net/images/dinner.jpg
But please note that's not me: http://blinkynet.net
> I've never heard anyone ever claim there were sharks in heaven. Little
> wonder.
>>> Humans had more to improve on because they had more potential to
>>> begin with. The conclusion is unavoidable: sharks are an
>>> evolutionary cul-de- sac who persist only because of the vastness of
>>> their preferred environment. Such a predator dwelling on land would
>>> surely have been eliminated long ago by the stupidest humans you can
>>> imagine (barring your reflections on some of the posters here).
>> You forget one thing. Land sharks.
> -An extremely rare breed with negligable impact on anything except
> standup comedy.
Pop culture rules.
>>>> One of the essences of sharkness is the beauty of sleekness and
>>>> balance.
>>> Simple symmetry and simple mentality. Whoopee twang.
>> We have an extremely low rate of mental illness, Mr. Vulnerable. ;)
> Well, there aren't a lot of sick rocks in the world, either...
And an island never cries.
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