Posted by Bone Ur on 11/27/07 09:55
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:42:41
GMT Blinky the Shark scribed:
>>>>> But please note that's not me: http://blinkynet.net
>>>> Who is it, Humphrey Halibut?
>>> It's who the caption says it is if you're evolved enough to read it.
>> Er, there was a caption? Well fancy that. I generally don't look
>> around when a shark is staring me in the face.
> As close as possible to the bottom of the image, in the usual caption
> location. :)
Of course I saw it! And I read it. The only trouble is that I can't
remember what it said in relation to what we are discussing. For that
matter, I can't remember what we were discussing as regards to what we
are discussing. I live for the moment, -not historical significance.
>>>>> Pop culture rules.
>>>> Only if Bush says so.
>>> I don't do politics.
>> Um, what _do_ you do?
> Swim. Eat. Look back with satifaction on evolution. We covered
> that.
I meant in a professional capacity. Or are you a confirmed amateur?
>>>>> And an island never cries.
>>>> Who would listen?
>>> Lake Erie, of course.
> I certainly hope you got the "eary" pun there. I live for pun groans.
....And I hope you got the sup-eary-er one. :)
>> Yeah but Lake Superior would tell it to shut up and behave properly.
> Speaking of superior, a Canadian buddy sent me (a USan) this a long
> time ago, eh?
> http://blinkynet.net/stuff/ontop.jpg
Canadians always try harder because most of the world forgets they're
there. Not long ago I was vacationing in Terra del Fuego and asked for
some Canadian beer at the resort bar. The bartender hesitated then
replied very apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir, we only have bottles."
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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