Posted by bwalton_707 on 11/27/07 17:42
On Nov 27, 12:40 pm, bwalton_...@yahoo.com wrote:
> I'm completely lost why a trival task in VFP is a lengthy drawn out
> process in SQL Server
> For Example
> A simple select statement where I want to return the most current date
> from a table along with the unique identifier for the row selected is
> a single select statement in VFP
> SELECT TOP 1 date, id
> FROM anytable
> ORDER BY id, date desc
> OR Another example
> SELECT invoice.number, customer.name, customer.address, invoice.id,
> customer.id
> FROM invoice
> INNER JOIN customer
> ON invoice.customerid = customer.id
> ORDER BY customer.id, invoice.date DESC
> GROUP BY customer.id
> This will return the most recent order for a customer
> Niether selects statements are supported in SQL Server 2005... Is
> there a logical reason WHY? Other then ansi standards which I'm not
> buying as m$ft rarely follows any standards but there own 100% of the
> time anyway.
> Also could someone please post the most efficent SQL syntax to accomplish the above as I would like to determine if I am missing something here.
Thanks In Advance
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