Posted by taps128 on 11/28/07 10:36
taps128 wrote:
> Hi, all. I have a poroblem, and I'd really appreciate if someone helped
> me to solve it.
> The problem is, I want to take the first two sentences of a string. To
> do that i need to split them whenever a dot occurs, and the join the
> first two array occurences in a new string but I have a problem beacuse
> the dot in the Croatian languages is not always used a sentence
> delimiter, but is often used in conjuction with numbers and acronyms. So
> I wanted to use a regular expression to split a string on every dot
> ocurence but not when a dot is precedeed by a number or a 'd' or a 'o'.
> This is my best shot at it:
> $string='Glavna skupština Društva će se održati 27.12.2007. (četvrtak) u
> 11 sati u prostorijama Doma hrvatske vojske u Lori u Splitu.Atlas
> turistička agencija d.d. stekla je 22. i 23. studenog 2007. godine 2800
> vlastitih dionica.';
> $uvod=preg_split('/((d\.o\.o\.)!|(d\.d\.)!|[0-9]!)|\./', $string);
> print_r($uvod);
> But it doesn't work right. If someone knows how to slove this problem.
> Any help will be really appreciated.
> Nikola
Well I've made some progress.
$uvod=preg_split('(\D[^dDoO]\.\s)', $string );
I used this regex,it splits the string ok, but the last two characters
beside the dot are gone from the spllited string.
From 'Lori u Splitu' the last letters 'tu' are gone.
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