Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/28/07 22:03
shybe wrote:
> Ok,
> Im trying to create a "send this article to a friend" script for my
> blog,
> Right now its sending all the articles,
> but I want it to only send the article in which the form is attached
> to.
> here is my code:
> <?php
> $to_email = $_POST['maily'];
> $art = $GLOBALS['thisarticle']['thisid'];
> $submitted = $_POST['submitted'][$art];
> $suby = $_POST['submitted'];
> $from_email = $_POST['from'];
> $subject = 'yeah';
> $headers = "From:{$from_email}" ;
> $message = 'You have been sent a story from The Trumpet
> Group'."\n".' http://www.trumpetgroup.com/index.php?id='.$GLOBALS['thisarticle']['thisid'].'.com';
> echo $submitted;
> if($submitted)
> {
> mail($to_email, $subject, $message, $headers );
> echo "This story has been sent";
> }
> ?>
> here is my form:
> <form method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP SELF'];?>">
> From: <input class="putty" type="text" name="from">
> To: <input class="putty" type="text" name="maily">
> <input class="send" type="submit" name="submitted<txp:article_id />">
> </form>
> Any help would be appreciated
> thanks in advanced,
> shybe
How is your $GLOBALS array getting set? What to you get if your
print_r($GLOBALS); ?
Do you actually want a '.com' extension on the article? (Maybe so, but
it's quite unusual).
P.S. It's generally poor form to use globals any more than necessary.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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