Posted by Bone Ur on 11/29/07 09:23
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 08:16:16
GMT Mika scribed:
>>> Oh God I just realised I'm starting to sound like you guys! Better
>>> stop this habit fast before I end up like some in this group for
>>> years spouting the same old nonsense! :P
>> Ah, don't worry. You have to know what you're talking about to get
>> that far.
> Yes I've only managed to prove Beauregard T. Shagnasty (real name)
> wrong on 2 occasions so far. Working my way up to the self-proclaimed
> masters like you.
That's open to interpretation, but my beef with you is that you're using
non-standard markup (ie: incorrect) in your page, calling it correct, and
defending your position by stating that is has to be that way to work.
Without denying the reliance of "Google Maps" on anything at all, the
premise is bullshit. Period. If the empirical facts are as you profess,
and, indeed, I have no reason to believe they are not, then a change _must_
be made in order to have a viable website. Anything less is a hack and one
fundamental reason why so many sites today just functionally suck. If you
want a valid, well-operating page then you have to make it the same way,
not rely on dubious shortcuts. Since you seem to be in self-denial over
that concept, my remark was quite valid and accurate.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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