Posted by BootNic on 11/30/07 06:13
BootNic <> wrote: news:Xns99F85784EC4CBootNic@
> "Shelly" <> wrote:
>> I know this must be simple, but I need a little help as this isn't my
>> area. I have a search box called searchText and a search button called
>> searchButton. If a user puts "foo" in the text box and clicks the
>> search button, I want this to change pages with "foo" as a parameter.
>> Sort of go to "_the_new_page?param=foo" from the onclick command. How
>> do I construct that such that it forms that string and does a
>> window.location with that string? I looked over the web, but didn't
>> find clear examples.
> <form action="/_the_new_page" action="get">
That second action should have been method.
<form action="/_the_new_page" method="get">
BootNic Friday November 30, 2007 1:13 AM
A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs,
jolted by every pebble in the road.
*Henry Ward Beecher*
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