Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 12/01/07 07:18
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed dorayme
<doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> writing in news:doraymeRidThis-
> ... do motor bikes and muscle cars (I learnt this term from
> Adrienne btw) count as male? I have loved these. Deeply.
I had to look that post up. Thank you for crediting me.
I like muscle cars, trains, motor bikes, barbequeing, and Jack Daniels.
I was at a bar, ordered a Jack, and a man from the South (maybe Georgia or
something), said Jack Daniels was too much for "a little lady". I told him
I could easily match him - he took the bait, and the bartender set us up
Indiana Jones style - I had four shots, he had three and ceded to me.
Adrienne Boswell at Home
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