Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/01/07 13:36
Oliver Grätz wrote:
> Ziggy schrieb:
>> Thank you for your answer, it was a translation error
>> I want reverse md5 result in original form but I think it's not possible.
> If the text is short then there MIGHT be a solution for your paticular
> problem. There are MD5 databases that have really large lists of MD5
> input/hash pairs indexed by hash values. Google for "md5 reverse". There
> is a small chance to find your input if it was just some characters long.
> OLLi
Nope. There are a huge number of strings which can generate the same
MD5. Which one do you want?
Those MD5 databases are only good for duplicating a specific MD5 hash.
They can't tell you what the original was.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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