Posted by <> on 12/01/07 20:33
OK Great input! Thanks.
Check out the updated.
Some points:
>The doctype isn't valid.
Hmm, used the dreamweaver default here - Maybe I set something wrong in
options - I'll check (also I removed the title for brevity but guess I
should have not done).
2) when I implemented Els changes only it wokred in IE but not in Firefox.
When applying Ben C extra changes worked in both. Don't fully understand
some aspects of how it works yet but repittion and experimentation is the
key to my learning.
3) Check out the link above in IE7 and Firfox. Note how the margin around
the right hand nav menu is bigger in Firefox. What can I do to get a
consistant display acorss these browsers (and ideally others)
Any other tips welcome and thank you again for this excellent advise
Note I also need to implement a right hand section where the main text is so
do not be suprised if the example contains a new section when you view it.
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