Posted by Bone Ur on 12/02/07 08:05
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 03:14:06 GMT
Ed Mullen scribed:
> Bone Ur wrote:
>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 19:21:08
>> GMT Blinky the Shark scribed:
>>>>> There's a hell of a difference between a hand-made teddy that has
>>>>> been produced in a limited run by a single individual, and a
>>>>> mass-produced personalised bear. The same way that if you went to a
>>>>> furniture store and bought a chest of drawers, you'd get them at a
>>>>> fraction of the price that you would if you had a carpenter
>>>>> hand-make them.
>>>> Yes but who wants a $240 teddy bear? For that kind of money you could
>>>> buy a real bear.
>>> But the upkeep would be significantly more.
>> And you wouldn't get the steel shot.
> You would when "Gentle Ben" turns on you. I know I'd fill him full of
> shot when he started gnawing on my Teak dining room set. Oh! Wait! I
> just answered my question about the steel shot filled bear! :-)
Uh, dunno how effective a shotgun would be on a bear until it was too late.
Anyway, as for the cutesy, cuddly effegies, $240 indeed! $4.95 is my max,
and that's only if I can't find anything for $2.95 (or less). I might
spend a bit more on a Blinky replica but it would have to serve as a pin
cushion as well as an example of lower life.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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