Posted by Bergamot on 12/04/07 15:33
Shelly wrote:
> Bergamot wrote:
>> Shelly wrote:
>>> www.sheldonlg.com/css.htm
>>> The problem is this. Without the <div "index-01" ></div>, the green
>>> background image from the #navWrapper does not tile.
> It shouldn't tile.
But it does. You mistakenly believe that the user's font size will be
within whatever confines you set. Don't count on it. The green gradient
tiles both on the x and y axis. It's not attractive.
>> <div id="index-01"></div>
>> It's an empty element, which means it has no height, so there is no
>> space for a background. As it should be.
> Please expand.
The background only displays when you set the height property on
#index-01, which is what you were complaining about. Without an explicit
height, the div expands to whatever its content height is. In this case,
it's 0. What do you think you'll see in a zero-height element?
>> You seem to be hacking away at CSS without any comprehension of how it
>> is *supposed* to work.
> I didn't write this CSS and I am a php, not a CSS or html, person. I really
> am just hacking away because I was asked to "fix" this
Hacking away without comprehension will only get you deeper into a hole
you'll have trouble getting out of, not to mention the frustration
you'll experience when things don't work. This little snippet you posted
is likely only the tip of the iceberg. I imagine there are more design
flaws than you know about.
Why don't you post a whole page?
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