Posted by vrlist.info on 12/04/07 12:11
Apart from other recomendations, like improving your site to more
proffesional, visiting freelance websites... I would recomend to put
links to the sites you have created, if any. In case you have not
created any, put that works you have done. To say you are the best
programmer it is not enough.
On 30 nov, 18:51, Biao <foolishw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I'm a perfect php programmer,
> I'm a smart deligent honest guy living in China.
> I know php very well, and slso Mysql,css,ajax,javascript,html.
> I work at home, usually be online more than 16 hours a day. you can
> see me online always.
> http://www.phpprogrammer.cn/
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