Posted by AnrDaemon on 12/05/07 15:43
Greetings, pdhb_1.
In reply to Your message dated Tuesday, December 4, 2007, 00:15:38,
> Yes, the extensions are there, and the path being searched does depend
> on how I set extension_dir.
> The log file will faithfully reproduce the path I indicate in the line
> reporting the error. For example,
> extension_dir="C:\PHP\ext"
> results in lines of the form:
> "PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\PHP\
> \ext\\php_sybase_ct.dll' - The specified module could not be found.\r
> \n in Unknown on line 0"
LoadFile path/to/SyBaseSharedDlls
into Your httpd.conf before
LoadModule php5_module
LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/libeay32.dll
LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/ssleay32.dll
LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/libmysql.dll
LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/php5ts.dll
# LoadFile C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/dlls/iconv.dll
LoadModule php5_module "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/php5apache2_2_filter.dll"
<IfModule php5_module>
php_admin_value extension_dir "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/ext"
PHPIniDir "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32"
Sincerely Yours, AnrDaemon <anrdaemon@freemail.ru>
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