Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/08/07 03:03
AnrDaemon wrote:
> Greetings, jodleren.
> In reply to Your message dated Thursday, December 6, 2007, 15:25:14,
>> Just plain interest. PHP files are not default assigned to any
>> programme in Windows, so one can use whatever one wants to use.
> It is... For me at least.
> @echo off
> if "!%1" == "!" (echo Usage: %0 path_to_php-cli.exe && exit)
> if not exist "%1" (echo Invalid path to PHP interpreter && exit)
> ftype PHPScript="%1" -f "%%1" -- %%*
> assoc .php=PHPScript
As he said - they are not DEFAULT ASSIGNED.
But personally I prefer to have them associated with an editor.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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