Posted by Blinky the Shark on 12/20/07 09:39
Adrienne Boswell wrote:
> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Blinky the Shark
> <no.spam@box.invalid> writing in
> news:pan.2007.
>> rf wrote:
>>> "shapper" <mdmoura@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:a7ad3090-9d96-41c1-bbbd-
> 506260d22b3f@l32g2000hsh.googlegroups.com
>>> ...
>>>> Hello,
>>>> When should I give an ID to a tag?
>>>> Only if I want to refer it?
>>>> And is there any type of tags that should always have an ID? Inputs
>>>> for example?
>>> http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#adef-id
>> Corollary question: what's the best -- id or name? Or does that just
>> depend? If the latter, on what?
> In a form it makes a lot of difference.
> I can have:
> Which one does not belong?
> <input type="checkbox" id="field1" name="field" value="dog"> Dog
> <input type="checkbox" id="field2" name="field" value="cat"> Cat
> <input type="checkbox" id="field3" name="field" value="handbag"> Handbag
> I can get to the different radios using their id values. But if all are
> checked, then server side I will get field=dog, cat, handbag. Since
> handbag is not an animal, then I could style field3 to alert the user
> they had made a mistake.
> Further, id can be used on almost any element, where name can only be
> used on a few. I can put an id on a h2 element, but not a name, eg. <p>
> The one thing I enjoy shopping for most is <a href="page.html#shoes"
> title="Find out more about shoes">shoes</a>.</p> could go to <h2
> id="shoes">Shoes</h2>
Ah! I did not know that name could not be used with some elements that
accept id.
Thanks, Adrienne.
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