Posted by JJ297 on 12/20/07 20:26
On Dec 20, 2:51 pm, "Plamen Ratchev" <> wrote:
> You can simply pass the letter selected by the user as a parameter to the
> stored procedure and then pull the list. The stored procedure can be
> something like this:
> @letter NVARCHAR(1))
> AS
> SELECT title_id, title
> FROM Titles
> WHERE title LIKE @letter + '%'
> ORDER BY title
> Anith has a good suggestion to create a computed column on LEFT(title, 1)
> that is indexed. Then the WHERE filter will be computed_column = @letter.
> HTH,
> Plamen Ratchev
Thanks Plamen this is easy enough and it works! Thanks Anith for your
suggestion too!
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