Posted by Jochem Maas on 07/29/05 10:19
Marcus Bointon wrote:
> On 28 Jul 2005, at 12:07, André Medeiros wrote:
>> On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 11:08 +0200, marc serra wrote:
>>> Hi, i want to know if it is possible to create a function and declare
>>> that one of its arguments is array type.
>>> In fact i want to do something like this
>>> function test(String $litteral, array $foo){
unless String is a class you defined that won't work at all. basic data types
cannot be hinted (e.g. bool, int, string, float)
>> There is no way to do that. What you _CAN_ do, to ensure you're getting
>> an array is:
> There IS a way to do exactly this. It's called type hinting and it's a
> PHP 5 feature:
for a split second I was about to say a word start with 'bull', but Marcus
is more or less correct - typehints for classes has existed since the beginning
of php5, the ability to typehint arrays is aparently being included in php5.1
(still in beta).
thanks Marcus for the heads up. :-)
now don't get me started on the fact that 'they' pulled the plug on being able
to do they following - I feel the breath of some purist overlord breathing down
my neck:
class Test { /* ... */ }
function foo(Test $t = null) { /* ... */ }
(the above worked in the first few betas of php5.0)
if a php 'God' reads this (and at least one of you is kind enough to grace us with
his presence on this list) - please reconsider allowing typehints with defaults of
NULL (only NULL and nothing else is more than enough for me!).
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.typehinting.php
> Marcus
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