Posted by asaffos on 12/28/07 11:47
On Dec 26, 10:54 pm, dorayme <doraymeRidT...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> In article
> <72d52d3f-cfbe-4d69-8c04-a8b2a44fc...@i72g2000hsd.googlegroups.co
> m>,
> asaffos <roas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > In the code below I have a certain color for the body, a different one
> > for the content_body. For some reason although the DIV for the
> > content_body has all of the pages content in it the background color
> > appears in a certain part on the top of the page. Why is that? (the
> > css is also below)
> > <!DOCTYPE html
> ...
> In what you supply, there is nothing in any of the divs, the
> backgrounds are as you supplied them in your css. Perhaps you can
> go to:
> http://netweaver.com.au/alt/assafos.html
> which is essentially your own mark up with some content added and
> some more bg colours and colors to show your arrangement better.
> What is it that *you* are puzzled by in this (as distinct from
> quite a few things many might be puzzled by)
> --
> dorayme
Thanks for the help.
I'm surprised from the face that the background color of the content
body isn't inherited automaticlly in the other divs that are inside
content body (for example right_col).
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