Reply to Forms...and WHERE in mysql

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Posted by lukk3tt0 on 12/28/07 09:25

Hi guys,
I found this script:

but if I try to recall, in a page I created, the variable "username"
that a user fill in the login page, it does not work.
How could I retrieve the "username", in other pages, using sessions?

I think that the answer is in the last 8 lines of code of
"manage-check.php" but I do not know how....

For example if I fill this code in "members-only.php":

$db=mysql_connect('XXXX.YYYYYYYYYYYY.ZZZ','user','123456') or


$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members
WHERE username="$_POST[username]"");
while ($record = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
echo "id: ".$record[0]."<br />";
echo "NOME: ".$record[1]."<br />";
echo "<br />";

it does not work!!!
How could I retrieve "username" using "WHERE username="?????????" ???

TNX in advance!

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