Posted by Jochem Maas on 07/29/05 10:24
Ain't no bug here me thinks.
I'm not a smarty dev - just reasd the list - redirected my reply
to Smarty general because I believe your problem is not down to a bug in smarty.
Sebastian Haller wrote:
> I get a parse error, when i use smarty. To reproduce, you can take the demo
> (which comes with smarty) and add the following files:
> -- debug.php
> <?php
> require '../libs/Smarty.class.php';
> $smarty = new Smarty;
> $smarty->compile_check = true;
> $smarty->debugging = true;
> $smarty->assign("array",array("Doe","Smith","Johnson","Case"));
> $smarty->assign("j",1);
> $smarty->display('debug.tpl');
> ?>
> -- debug.tpl
> {if $tree[$j] or $tree[$j-1]}
that should be something like?:
{if $tree.$j or $tree.`$j-1`}
regardless, where the bleep is $tree coming from?
you assign the array as the name 'array' (which is madness if you ask me
and asking for trouble), maybe the assign line should read?:
> a
> {/if}
> -- error produced
> Parse error: parse error in
> /www/dev/sebastian/www/smarty/demo/templates_c/%%6B^6B7^6B774C3E%%debug.tpl.
> php on line 3
> Thanks for developping smarty as well as for fixing.
> Sebastian Haller
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