Posted by Travis Newbury on 12/29/07 12:24
On Dec 28, 8:34 pm, "Ex-COC" <> wrote:
> I'm a a newbie too using HTML. I was wondering if there is a way to center a
> jpg and thenn be able to surround the imagee with text, top, bottomm, and
> each side.
Is your site fixed width? If so you could easily simulate this with a
group of 5 divs or a table with 3 rows. The top and bottom would span
the entire width. The center would be 3 divs or cells depending if
you use divs or a table.
Of course insert the standard "this is a bad idea beacuse..." But it
might be something you can work around. In the end it is all smoke
and mirrors anyway.
> I am using PageBreeze as an editor.
That's pretty irrelevant to your problem since html is just text.
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