Reply to Sessions Issue

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Posted by "Tom Ray [Lists]" on 07/29/05 20:07

We built a box about 7 months or so ago using the SuSE 9.1 cd's,
straight install from the CDs. While I've read that sessions are turned
on by default, when we try to call on the sessions functions (like with
phpOpenChat or start_session()) we get calls to undefined function
errors. This is leading me to belive that sessions are disabled for some
reason. I need to enable the sessions so I have a few questions

1) Can I do this without recompiling?
2) If I can't, how do I recompile this since I used the SuSE cds?

It's SuSE 9.1 running Php 4.3.4 with APache 2.0.49

any help would be great!


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