Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/04/08 15:00
Adrienne Boswell wrote:
> Could someone take a look at http://ethicsproject.org/beta/ (IE6). The
> container div is going below the navigation. It is working correctly in
> modern browsers, but I need to make it work for IE6.
> I have been playing with conditional comments, but obviously don't know
> enough to get this thing working correctly.
> Thanks in advance. I hate IE... no can't use hate... I strongly dislike IE
> ... ah, nuts! I hate IE.
Well I assume it's IE doubling margin bug on floats. If you look at the
navbar's left margin you will see that it is not 10px but 20px and now
your content will not fit within container_mother 810px. The problem
pixel-perfect designs, I'd put more slop in the container DIVs. Adding
another 10 or 20px won't show since you do not have to match the width
to some fix image or anything.
BTW, did notice, me here stuck on dialup, that the huddle image took
some time to load. It's 85Kb was easily compressible without distortion
to 14Kb.
Take care,
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