Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/06/08 18:21
Gary L. Burnore wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 09:26:45 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
> <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>> On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 23:50:20 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
>>> <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>>> A FAQ is only a list of frequently asked questions, Jerry. It is no
>>>>> way enforceable and can't change the meaning of the word. >> They're
>>>>> called alt. for a reason.
>>>> Sorry, you 're about 10 years behind the curve.
>>> Nope. Not at all, Jerry. Frequently Asked Questions are QUESTIONS AND
>>> ANSWERS, not an inforceable doc.
>> Guess again, troll.
> Still ignoring me, I see. How's that going? Why can't you just stop
> adding comp.lang.php?
>> ISP's have closed accounts of your spammer friends
>> because they improperly posted spam to alt newsgroups.
> Liar I've no spammer friends. I've had the same two accounts for
> more than 13 years. Too bad you can't say the same.
ROFLMAO! Your ONLY friends are spammers.
Nope, I've only had mine for 16 years (email, that is). I haven't had
this usenet account for 13 years because comcast hasn't offered it in my
area for that long. But I've had it ever since it has been offered.
>>>>>> Gee, it's the good ones who cancel accounts because I show them the
>>>>>> spam.
>>>>> Nope. Only a fool would believe what you're calling spam is actually
>>>>> spam.
>>>> Only a fool would believe unsolicited ads where they are not wanted is
>>>> not SPAM.
>>> Ok, then you'll have no problem when comcast nukes you. Cool.
>> No problem at all - but they won't, because I don't spam - unlike you.
> Yet another lie. Got any proof I've spammed? Looks like those
> calling you a fraud are right.
Hey, you claimed this whole thread is spam, and you're posting in it.
So you must be a spammer.
>>>>> It's not an argument, it's a fact.
>>>> Show me where it is a FACT. Otherwise, it is just YOUR OPINION. And
>>> Show me where FAQ means anything other than frequently asked
>>> quesitons.
>> Who gives a flying fuck what you think?
> You obviously do. And, since you cna't answer the question, you
> obviously know I'm right.
Not at all. No one gives a flying fuck what you think.
And in a.w.w., several of us have gotten spammers kicked off for
spamming. Sorry, the ISPs disagree with you.
>> You are nobody.
> You are so owned.
Nope, not at all. But you must really be hooked on me to interrupt a
conversation and start arguing. It shows just how much YOU are owned.
>>>>>> They're too far out of date.
>>>>> Good thing is, you don't get to decide.
>>>> Neither do you.
>>> Actually, dipshit, I do.
>> You wish. Who do you think you are - God? You're just a little asshole
>> with a keyboard. Nothing more.
>>>>>>>> But in this case the op is a troll well-known in a.w.w. He just morphed
>>>>>>>> names, and it took a little while to catch on (good catch, Karl!).
>>>>>>> SO? What does that have to do with comp.lang.php?
>>>>>> I didn't start it.
>>>>> So you're so controlled you simply MUST post to comp.lang.php. Got
>>>>> it. You're owned, bigtime.
>>>> I have the right to defend myself
>>> And you have every right to have your posting priv's at giganews nuked
>>> for off charter posts to a comp group.
>> Like this posting if yours is off topic? Maybe you need to get nuked?
> Let's review. You post crap to comp.lang.php, I ask you to stop. I'm
> not crossposting to comp.lang.php, I'm already here. OOPs, you lose
> again.
You don't own usenet. And I'm in c.l.p., also. In fact, much more
regular here than you are.
So I guess you're posting crap to c.l.p., and you need to be nuked!
>> Go ahead and try it, stoopid.
> Ok.
Yea, make a fool of yourself.
>> You don't have the power.
> Guess we'll see. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I DO know that, at
> minimum, you're showing EVERYONE in comp.lang.php that you have
> 1. No self control
> 2. No CLUE
> C. No respect for anyone ELSE in comp.lang.php
> Thanks for showing your true colors!
Nope, YOU are doing exactly that. Unlike you, I'm a regular posted in
c.l.p. You're just a troll trying to claim you're a regular. You aren't.
>>>>> You're doing just fine at showing he's the holder of your leash. Now
>>>>> sit like a good little poodle.
>>>> ROFLMAO! You're even more stoopid than most people if you believe that.
>>>> And if I called you a fraud and a liar, will you just ignore it?
>>> Yep. Because I know you're a fool.
>> Yea, I guess you're used to it.
> Yeah, I've seen a lot of fools in my days. You're right up there at
> the top.
>> It seems a lot of people have called you that.
> IKWIABWAY noted.
Typical troll response.
>> You're just a troll - and even more stoopid than most trolls.
>>>> I think not.
>>> You missed a comma. You surely meant "I think, NOT.", since you're
>>> not thinking.
>> Nope, that's your line.
> IKWIABWAY #2. Gonna try for two?
Projecting again, Gary? ROFLMAO!
>>>> What would your employer do if he/she found out?
>>> Nothing, unless of course I really WAS a fraud. Are you?
>> Ah, but you've already proven you're a fraud. So no problem.
> There it is, #3. Good job. I knew you could do it.
Yea, you have shown your true troll colors. But then there seem to be
quite a few websites exposing you for what you really are.
>> But how much do greeters at WalMart make, anyway?
> That's it? The best you've got. Damn, stuckkie you're lame.
And you're the best WalMart' got?
>>>>>> - a troll and a spammer.
>>>>> SPAM is BI>20. His post was off topic, sure. But not spam. If you're
>>>>> saying off topic is spam then your posts to comp.lang.php (and
>>>>> comp.infosystems.www..... are spam too). Difference being: YOU can
>>>>> lose your account for it faster than he can. Wanna see?
>>>> Wrong, Gary. And has been for years.
>>> Liar.
>> Wrong again, Gary. Has been for years.
> You can say that as many times as you like and you're still wrong.
> Besisdes, unlike you, I really do have the power to decide. You're
> still not even smart enough to know why. Funny, that.
You can keep denying it. You can't decide anything. You're only a
legend in your own mind. You have no power.
If you have so much power, let's see you get me kicked off of usenet.
Go ahead. Troll.
>>>> You are woefully out of date.
>>> You are woefully outgunned.
>> Not by you. You couldn't outgun a 4 year old with a pea shooter.
> IKWIABWAY #4. Gotta be a record.
> Oh, how's that "ignoring me" going?
And you're an ignorant troll. Not only ignorant, but stoopid to the
max. As so many other people have found.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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