Reply to Re: Usability Job Opportunities

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/06/08 19:54

Gary L. Burnore wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 13:55:35 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
> <> wrote:
>> Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>> On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 13:21:00 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
>>> <> claimed he's ignoring me and then wrote:
>>>> Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 09:26:45 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 23:50:20 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> A FAQ is only a list of frequently asked questions, Jerry. It is no
>>>>>>>>> way enforceable and can't change the meaning of the word. >> They're
>>>>>>>>> called alt. for a reason.
>>>>>>>> Sorry, you 're about 10 years behind the curve.
>>>>>>> Nope. Not at all, Jerry. Frequently Asked Questions are QUESTIONS AND
>>>>>>> ANSWERS, not an inforceable doc.
>>>>>> Guess again, troll.
>>>>> Still ignoring me, I see. How's that going? Why can't you just stop
>>>>> adding comp.lang.php?
>>>>>> ISP's have closed accounts of your spammer friends
>>>>>> because they improperly posted spam to alt newsgroups.
>>>>> Liar I've no spammer friends. I've had the same two accounts for
>>>>> more than 13 years. Too bad you can't say the same.
>>>> ROFLMAO! Your ONLY friends are spammers.
>>> Prove it, stukkie.
>> I don't need to, troll.
> You made the claim, you need to prove it. You can't, of course, so
> you throw non-sequiturs.

Yea, right, troll.

>>>> Nope, I've only had mine for 16 years (email, that is). I haven't had
>>>> this usenet account for 13 years because comcast hasn't offered it in my
>>>> area for that long. But I've had it ever since it has been offered.
>>> So? Is that supposed to mean anything?
>> You brought it up, troll.
> Brought what up, dipshit?

How long accounts have been owned, dipshit. But you're memory is so
short you can't remember.

>>>>>>>>>> Gee, it's the good ones who cancel accounts because I show them the
>>>>>>>>>> spam.
>>>>>>>>> Nope. Only a fool would believe what you're calling spam is actually
>>>>>>>>> spam.
>>>>>>>> Only a fool would believe unsolicited ads where they are not wanted is
>>>>>>>> not SPAM.
>>>>>>> Ok, then you'll have no problem when comcast nukes you. Cool.
>>>>>> No problem at all - but they won't, because I don't spam - unlike you.
>>>>> Yet another lie. Got any proof I've spammed? Looks like those
>>>>> calling you a fraud are right.
>>>> Hey, you claimed this whole thread is spam, and you're posting in it.
>>> Poor stukkie. I've made it quite clear that this thread isn't spam.
>>> Looks like it's time to add more posts to the list of your lies. No
>>> wonder they call you a fraud, you really ARE a fraud.
>> Yea, YOUR OPINION is that it's not spam.
> It's not. It's not just my opinion.

It's just your opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. Others may share
that opinion - but so do others share my opinion.

>> But your opinion doesn't mean shit.
> That's where you're wrong, yet again. You STILL can't figure out why?

Nope. Your opinion doesn't mean shit. At least not here on usenet.
Maybe with the suckers you have for customers it does. But that's all.

>> Sorry, troll.
>>>> So you must be a spammer.
>>>>>>>>> It's not an argument, it's a fact.
>>>>>>>> Show me where it is a FACT. Otherwise, it is just YOUR OPINION. And
>>>>>>> Show me where FAQ means anything other than frequently asked
>>>>>>> quesitons.
>>>>>> Who gives a flying fuck what you think?
>>>>> You obviously do. And, since you cna't answer the question, you
>>>>> obviously know I'm right.
>>>> Not at all. No one gives a flying fuck what you think.
>>> You do.
>> And why do you say that?
> Because you're claiming you're ignoring me, but you can't help but
> follow up to every single one of my posts. You're owned. Face it.
> You're easily owned.

Yea, because you've proven I OWN YOU! Otherwise you wouldn't be so
eager to jump into other threads, trying to claim I'm a moron.

I OWN YOU, sucker!

>> I'm just having fun exposing your lies and hypocrisy.
> Another IKWIABWAY. You're good at that. Post off topic and claim
> others are spamming but you're not. Claim others can't keep a website
> up when it's not there while yours is "hidden". You're a fool,
> stukkie.

Yep. And I OWN YOU!

>>>> And in a.w.w., several of us have gotten spammers kicked off for
>>>> spamming. Sorry, the ISPs disagree with you.
>>> If it's spam, anyone can get anyone kicked off anywhere (except maybe
>>> roadrunner). that which you do not like to read isn't spam. Anyone
>>> who's lost an account bacause you claimed something was spam when it
>>> wasn't needs to email me. I'll see to it they get access somewhere
>>> that won't put up with liars like you.
>> Sure, right, troll. People have lost their accounts because ISPs have
>> investigated and agreed.
> SPAM is one thing. Off topic is not spam.

Yep. And people have lost accounts because ISP's agreed it was SPAM.

>> So you're going to set them up with a spam
>> friendly host - like you have all of your other spammer friends.
> YOU call off topic spam. You're in the minority and you're not running
> an NSP so you don't get to decide.

No, I call SPAM spam. And whether I'm running a NSP or not is
immaterial. And even if you're running a NSP, you don't control usenet.
Only the poor suckers who are your customers.

>>>>>> You are nobody.
>>>>> You are so owned.
>>>> Nope, not at all. But you must really be hooked on me to interrupt a
>>>> conversation and start arguing. It shows just how much YOU are owned.
>>> Says the fool who claims he's ignoring me.
>> Yea,
> Admission noted.

ROFLMAO! Got to take things our of context to make a point! I OWN YOU,

>>>> You don't own usenet.
>>> I own part of it. :)
>> You probably don't even own the computer you're on. It probably belongs
>> to your mommy and daddy.
> They're dead. Next?

Yea, probably committed suicide when they saw you, right after you
popped out. ROFLMAO!

>>>> And I'm in c.l.p., also. In fact, much more
>>>> regular here than you are.
>>> You're wrong more, too. :) I note that most people in comp.lang.perl
>>> think you're a dick.
>> Who cares?
> You do.

That's where you're wrong. But I OWN YOU, Gary!

>> I don't post in comp.lang.perl.
> You don't read the newsgroups line when you post, do ya Jerry? (That's
> why you've been posting to alt.usenet.kooks, k00k)

Sure I do. I don't post on comp.lang.perl. But you're too stoopid to
understand that.

And no, I don't post to alt.usenet.kooks, either. But you added that
newsgroup - which is appropriate, since you're so familiar to the people

>> But you don't know that because you don't frequent it, either.
> Actually, I do. Unlike you, I have the ability to have more than one
> account.

As do I, dipshit. I have access to several accounts. But unlike you,
mine are with different hosts. I don't have to start my own NSP to keep
from being kicked off of any of them.

>>>> So I guess you're posting crap to c.l.p., and you need to be nuked!
>>> Go for it, dipshit.
>> You're the one who claimed I should be nuked for posting off topic.
> For someone who claims to be an expert in English, you sure have a
> poor grasp on it. Maybe you could have one of your friends point
> things out to you? Oh, that's right, you have no friends, no
> supporters. Must really suck to be you.

Not at all, Gary. But I do own you!

>> I just pointed out the hypocrisy you have.
> Is that what you call good English, Jerry?

Actually, it is quite proper English, dipshit.

>>>> You can keep denying it. You can't decide anything. You're only a
>>>> legend in your own mind. You have no power.
>>> Hahaha. Yet another IKWIABWAY. You're really good at repeating what I
>>> say, poodle.
>> Projecting again, troll?
> Does this line of yours actually work on ANYONE? Seriously, Jerry,
> has anyone gone running when you start your IKWIABWAI crap?

ROFLMAO! Do you really think anyone here gives a shit what you think or
say? But you just keep proving I OWN YOU.

>>> Jerry claims suing is illegal
>>> From: Jerry Stuckle <>
>>> Message-ID: <>
>>> You'd like that, wouldn't you? But I don't need to sue you. There
>>> are other ways to handle people like you. I prefer the legal ways.
>>> Jerry on websites:
>>> From: Jerry Stuckle <>
>>> Message-ID: <>
>>> Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>> > On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 23:57:07 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
>>> > <> wrote:
>>> >> Ok, let's tell your employer you're a criminal and a fraud.
>>> >> See if you like it?
>>> >
>>> > Go for it, dipshit. I've been called far worse. My employer is
>>> > OOPS! Too bad for you.
>>> >
>>> Oh, you mean the one who can't even keep a website running?
>>> While also saying
>>> From: Jerry Stuckle <>
>>> Message-ID: <>
>>> WRONG ANSWER, FRAUD. It has been and is registered. You just
>>> can't find a web page for it. Sorry, troll.
>> Yep, learn to read.
> PKB, Jerry. The point is you're claiming I can't keep a site up when
> it doesn't HAVE a www while at the same time defending yourself when
> someone asks where your website is. Now, I know YOU don't find this
> hypocritcal, but everyone else reading will surely see it.

Nope. As I said - it is a private website. I don't need to announce it
to you or anyone else. If you want it, find it yourself!

That's much different than having a public website that doesn't stay up
- like you do.

> YOU call others spammers for posting off topic in an alt.* group while
> you post off topic in an alt.* group. YOU call other people frauds
> when it's YOU that's a fraud. YOU compliain that someone posts urls
> to answers when YOU can't do it.

No, I call people spammers for posting spam to a.w.w. But when all you
have for friends are spammers, you don't understand that.

> Keep following up to each post I make, Jerry. You know you have no
> choice.
> (que Jerry saying the same thing a few posts from now)

Yea, I OWN YOU, sucker!

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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