Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/07/08 03:40
Ed Mullen wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>>> No problem. You're not the type of customer I'm looking for,
>>>> anyway. I have a good client base already - all Fortune 500
>>>> companies. And they keep my busier than I really want. But they
>>>> also pay very well.
>>>>> amazing.
>>>> Yea, amazing to think that I would even be interested with you as a
>>>> client.
>>> I never said I was interested in employing you. You did not address
>>> in any substance my post. Would you care to?
>> Why should I? I'm not interested in you as a client.
> So, let me attempt to understand you.
> I made a couple of rational posts to you and your responses are simply
> to trash me? Ok. That is an interesting marketing strategy.
> Ok. What business are you in? Why should I hire you? Please point me
> to some Web resource where I can find out more about you and your
> company. Seriously. You claim credibility, please show me how I can be
> comfortable that your are credible as a businessperson. I might just
> have some money to spend with your company.
Sorry, I didn't realize you were serious with your posts. They sounded
a lot like some of the trolls here, and I guess I just reacted to that.
You won't find much about my company because we aren't looking for new
We do custom courses. Courseware development runs typically $5K to $10K
per day of class. Course presentation typically runs around $500-$750
per student day, depending on the course.
As a result, our customers are only the largest companies - typically
Fortune 500, who have 100+ programmers needing similar training (less
than that and it's not real cost effective). The courses cost
significantly more than stock courses. But in return my customers the
best training, customized to fit their needs. And they're willing to
pay for that.
The downside is it keeps me very busy - more than I want. I'm really
trying to cut down on the amount of work we're doing. But it's not easy.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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