Posted by Ed Mullen on 01/07/08 03:51
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Ed Mullen wrote:
>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>>>>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>>>>>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 06 Jan 2008
>>>>>>> 13:40:11
>>>>>>> GMT Chaddy2222 scribed:
>>>>>>>>> Good day, and Fuck off.
>>>>>>>> I was wondering when you were going to fit that last part in.
>>>>>>>> It's one
>>>>>>>> of the best posts of the thread.
>>>>>>> Face it, Chaddy, this thread doesn't have any "best" parts. What
>>>>>>> tickles me, though, are the spam accusations. In the general
>>>>>>> sense, the whole thread is spam.
>>>>>> What astounds me is that, assuming he really does run a business,
>>>>>> Jerry is a tad clueless as to what constitutes sensible Internet
>>>>>> behavior for a businessperson. I mean, geez, the possibility that
>>>>>> a customer might find such public rantings should be enough to not
>>>>>> do it. I mean, they might write to the ICCA:
>>>>>> http://www.icca.org/member/memberpage.asp?id=400
>>>>> ROFLMAO. Think you're the first numb nuts to try that?
>>>> My nuts are not numb. Do you have some comment specific to my
>>>> citation? I am a logical person, Jerry. Your comment did not shed
>>>> any light on mine. Would you care to do so?
>>> I did directly address it, numb nuts. Go ahead and write to them.
>>> You'll get laughed at like others who have tried. Like Raphael, for
>>> instance. We all got a great laugh out of his email.
>> So, you are a member of ICCA?
> Of course. It's no secret.
>> And you never responded to me comments about your Web presence and how
>> it might negatively affect your business. Would you care to do that.
> It has absolutely no effect on my business. My customers know me and
> the quality of work we provide. They couldn't care less what a couple
> of trolls say about me on usenet. In fact, a couple of them ask me
> regularly if I've run into any more trolls. They get good laughs when I
> tell them about the trolls.
>> Seriously. I'm just tryintg to understand you from a rational
>> standpoint. Any help you can give would be most appreciated.
> Sorry, I thought you were trying something else. I didn't realize it
> was a serious question.
> My customers don't make judgments based on what they see here. They
> make judgments based on my company's performance in meeting their needs.
> And when they do look, they look at ALL of the threads. And they see
> what's going on. They're not stupid - unlike the trolls here. They see
> what goes on.
> So it's no big thing. If anything, it's helped my business because I've
> been able to laugh with some of my customers about the trolls. It's
> given us other, non-business things to talk about. And you'd be
> surprised how much we agree on things.
Ok. thanks for answering. I have enough substantive information now to
make a decision about kill-filing you. I wasn't sure before but now,
with your answers, I am.
Ed Mullen
As she lay there dozing next to me, one voice inside my head kept
saying, "Relax... you are not the first doctor to sleep with one of his
patients," but another kept reminding me, "Howard, you are a
veterinarian." - Roger Matthews
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