Posted by Neredbojias on 01/07/08 10:31
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:49:07 GMT
Jeff scribed:
> dorayme wrote:
>> In article <13o2aomd829al31@corp.supernews.com>,
>> Jeff <jeff@spam_me_not.com> wrote:
>>> I've heard that the rules of cricket are very simple.
>> Ouch! What can I say? How about, '...so are the rules of chess'?
> Most Americans don't have a clue what this means:
> The test between Australia and India is on. (7/184) and 8 overs
> to go and India will not win, the question is will Australia?
> Unfortunately (or not), I'm one of them!
Sounds like the annual pan-Indian Ocean flapjack contest. You have to flip
each one of 7 stacks of 184 flapjacks with a spatula and catch it mid-air
within 8 minutes or it's all over.
Riches are their own reward.
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