Reply to Re: Usability Job Opportunities

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Posted by Gary L. Burnore on 01/07/08 15:50

On Mon, 7 Jan 2008 05:10:58 +0000 (UTC), Neredbojias
<> wrote:

>Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 22:39:44
>GMT Gary L. Burnore scribed:
>>>Well, I agree with your basic statement, but allowances should be made
>>>for general usage because whether we like it or not, many people will
>>>so- generalize typical "crap" as "spam" in blythe unconcern for the
>>>actual definition of the term. This seems quite reasonable to me but
>>>I suppose reasonability is out of place in these specific environs...
>> The problem with general usage of the wrong term is that people know
>> that ISPs will Term an account when someone spams. So you send a spam
>> complaint but it's about something you just don't like to read or
>> something off topic and a lazy admin nukes someone's internet access
>> for no good reason.
>Well, if _I_ complained (officially) about someone's "spam" no matter
>which definition you use, I'd want the account nuked and would believe it
>deserved to be nuked. Specifically, off-topic can be as heinous as
>"spam" per se.

Yeah, but it ain't all that easy being on the other end. For
instance, were stuckie to complain that your post was spam and
convinced your NSP that it was based on an arbitrary rule, you'd lose
your account. That wouldn't be right.

>> If enough people call shoplifting pack of gum robbery long enough,
>> shuld the kid stealing a pack of gum be charged as a felon? Of course
>> not.
>What if it was his twelfth offense?

It still wouldn't be robery, or a felony. It'd be something that
would need to be addressed, yes, but it wouldn't change the law.

>> Alt.* is set up the way it is for a reason. So to the Big-8 groups.
>> Alt is mostly a free-for-all. If someone wants more control, they
>> propose a proper big 8 group with a valid charter. Then, in most
>> cases, the stuckkles of the world will back down when faced with
>> charter violations. A single advert to a comp group can be reported
>> as off charter. Not spam, but off charter.
>> All that said, yeah. I understand that you'd like a nice quiet place
>> to talk. Killfiles are good for that. I've NO problem if you want to
>> killfile me.
>Why would I do that? You seem reasonable, even enlightening. I may not
>agree with you 100%, but I don't even agree with Jesus 100%, either.

Dunno. I suppose to ignore my poking stuckie with sharp sticks.

>> In fact, in posts to stukkie, I've been adding
>> alt.usenet.kooks specifically so that you and anyone else who wishes
>> to ignore the threads about jerry can simply killfile on that. If it's
>> crossposted to alt.usenet.kooks, it's not really worth reading.
>Hehe, yeah, I can believe _that_ easy enough...
>Anyway, I see your point and will consider it, but I suspect the main
>thrust of my belief in this respect will not change.

That's fine. Nor will mine. My customers depend on me being
consistent when it comes to those sorts of things. If they spam,
they're toast and I go out of my way to make it painful for them. In
the last 13 years, we've had one REAL spammer and he lasted about 5
minutes. Cost him $500.00 by the time he was done. In the same
period, we've seen hundreds of jerry stuckles come and go. They
netKKKop (report things as abuse that aren't) and think the same rules
don't apply to them.

> And in any case, I don't think defending it publicly was worth the ongoing argument which is
> even yet unfolding.

Cool. While we differ there too, I understand. It's the old, I'll
defend your right to say what you want where you want when you want.

gburnore at DataBasix dot Com
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