Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 01/07/08 16:11
I inherited a website from my boss, who has Palantino on her computer.
I don't have Palantino on my computer at work, or my computer at home.
My default font is Comic Sans, so when I started working on the site, I
saw the headings appeared Comic Sans, and that is how I wrote the
headings in the new stylesheet {font-family: "Comic Sans", arial,
helvetica, sans-serif}.
When I presented this to my boss, she screamed "But you KNOW all of our
headings are in Palantino!" I said, I didn't know that, because all I
ever saw was my default font. I explained that since I didn't have that
font, and since there was no fallback font, I saw my default.
Of course, now it's {font-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Times New
Roman", Times, serif;}. I still only see Times New Roman, and
personally, I liked it better with Comic Sans.
So, the lesson here is to ALWAYS include a fallback and the appropriate
generic font.
Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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