Posted by Travis Newbury on 01/10/08 11:31
On Jan 7, 11:11 am, Adrienne Boswell <arb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I inherited a website from my boss, who has Palantino on her computer.
> I don't have Palantino on my computer at work, or my computer at home.
> My default font is Comic Sans, so when I started working on the site, I
> saw the headings appeared Comic Sans, and that is how I wrote the
> headings in the new stylesheet {font-family: "Comic Sans", arial,
> helvetica, sans-serif}.
I read this and can only think that this is something that could have
EASILY been avoided.
You knew you had a default font of comic sans. When the heading
appeared in comic sans that should have triggered something in your
head that said "hmmm... how interesting they choose the same font for
the heading that I had as my default. And what a weird choice for a
company font."
At that point you should have confronted her and asked about the
fonts. You committed one of the biggest sins of developers. You
assumed something.
Oh, this is not a slam at you at all. It is just an observation. And
even I have made wrong assumptions once or twice (this week)
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