Posted by Chaddy2222 on 01/11/08 14:24
On Jan 12, 12:53 am, Michael Fesser <neti...@gmx.de> wrote:
> .oO(Chaddy2222)
> >On Jan 11, 10:44 pm, "rf" <r...@invalid.com> wrote:
> >> Again: URL? If you don't supply one then nobody here has a snowflakes chance
> >> in hell of helping you.
> >Well it depends on what browser the Op is useing, IE6 does not support
> >min and max width. IE7 does though.
> He's on Firefox.
> Micha
Well good for him then.
It's probably just a mark-up error but who knows the OP did not give
us an URL, how many timse do we need to say / write such advice before
people start actually makeing life easier for all of us by giving us a
URL to a problem.
That was a long rant from me.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesignonline.org
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