Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/11/08 19:28
NvrBst wrote:
> LOL you all act like this is the most complicated question ever...
> The first post was 5 sentances with ASCII art! ASCII art is worth
> 1000 URL links! hehe
No, actually seen the source in situ is worth a 100,000 ASCII art
postings. There we see what the OP actually did not what they think they
did. Also we see how the server's part that may be at play.
> Applying the CSS style to the asp:Menu object with the
> "float:left;"
Whatever asp:Menu object is, what we need is the output HTML that is way
a URL is important. It would be like try to guess the problem of a PHP
object... $myObject->menu() what is important is resultant outputted HTML
> (Didn't know CSS has a property like this, thanks) works
> exactly like I wanted it :)
Maybe http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html might assist you.
> I still had to put *Data1* / *Data2* into
> a table (*Data2* needs a background and boarder so it had to be in a
> table, I think).
No, not necessarily. You can style other block elements with backgrounds
and borders. If the "data" is tabular in nature then use a TABLE. If
paragraphs then P, is a list then UL or OL, else DIV might apply.
> I think jona just mixed up when you were typing (the example you gave
> was backwards IE: if left column is rowspaned and a cell in right
> column gets lots of data then its not "natural" for left column to
> expand... its impossbles for it not too). I do find it slightly
> "unnatural" that when the left rowspaned column gets lots of data that
> I'm unable to tell which cell is to expand in the right column. I'd
> expect all the cells to expand equally, or by default the last cell
> only; but what was happening in IE7 was the 1st cell only was
> expanding and the last 2 just had their "auto" height. I wanted 3rd
> cell in the right column expanding and the first 2 to have the "auto"
> height :P
No, if you have
<tr><td rowspan="2">A1</td><td>B1</td><tr>
| | B1 |
| A1 |----+
| | B2 |
If you add data to B1 and|or B2 that expands the height of the table,
the rowspan'ed A1 must expand to the combined height of the cells B1 +
B2 even if A1 have very little content. That is how a table works.
However if A1 is a floated block element then
| A1 | B1 |
|----+ |
| |
| B2 |
| A1 | B1 |
|----+ |
| |
| B2 |
can be accomplish.
> But with the CSS its the way I want it, and more elegant to boot :)
> Thank you all for you help.
True in many cases.
Take care,
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