Posted by Paul on 01/13/08 21:33
"Ed Mullen" <ed@edmullen.net> ha scritto nel messaggio
> I just visited Italy (Roma, Firenze and Vezzia) in September. I loved
> Italy! I even got to meet for the first time my cugina in Fiugni.
I am glad you haven't visited Napoli, specially in this period.
It is a shame for those people (and for italians too) that the city is
really covered with rubbish, streets full of trash, and air contaminated
with putrescent materials.
Politicians and "camorra" made it. Camorra is a sort of mafia, criminal
And the problem is growing without no solution.
They are trying to transport that rubbish abroad and in other italian
regions, but local people are in rebellion against this "solution".
> My mother's maiden name was DiMarcantonio.
Marcantonio, as you know, was an ancient important political man who lived
in Rome about 2000 years ago, so probably this name come from ancient Rome!!
> I am half Italian and half Irish. Which should, to anyone astute enough,
> explain any strange messages I may have ever posted here. :-)
You may have taken the best from these two people. The important thing is
that your ancestors weren't from Napoli....:-))
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