Reply to Re: How to call the session variable?

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/14/08 03:06

Kurda Yon wrote:
> Hi,
> As you have recommended I did not use the session_register(). In one
> file I have executed such line:
> $_session['ex'] = 2.0;
> Then, in another file, I have executed the following line:
> $ex = 3.0.
> And than I have noticed that the previous assignment is seen
> everywhere (on other pages). So, as far as I understood, after the
> usage of $_session['ex'] = 2.0, the $ex variable becomes a session
> variable. Moreover, $ex and
> $_session['ex'] variables are the same variable! In other words, I
> have to call $_session['ex'] just the first time. After I did it once
> I can use just $ex (instead of $_session['ex']). Is that true?

No. $_SESSION['ex'] (NOT $_session['ex'] - case IS important!) just
sets the value in the array. Nothing more, nothing less.

$ex is a completely different variable, completely unrelated to the
value in the $_SESSION array.

It's no different than having $abc and my_array['abc']. Two entirely
different variables.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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