Posted by Daniel Ennis on 01/14/08 00:32
Fred Atkinson wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 20:29:20 +0100, thib´ <thyb0@coralsnake-team.com>
> wrote:
>> Fred Atkinson wrote:
>>> I've looked at php.net and am not able to find this one.
>>> What is the function that will return the number of files in a
>>> subdirectory?
>>> Regards,
>>> Fred
>> Just try this one:
>> <?php
>> function countfiles($dir) {
>> if( $handle = opendir($dir) ) {
>> $c = 0;
>> while( $file = readdir($handle) )
>> if( !preg_match('/\.\.?/', $file) ) $c++;
>> return $c;
>> } else return false;
>> }
>> ?>
>> This should make it; you can of course change de regexp filter or use
>> different methods (this one only avoids counting '.' and '..')
>> Call example:
>> Number of files in subdir 'dir/subdir/' is <?php echo
>> countfiles('dir/subdir/') or '[warning: unable to open dir]'; ?>
>> -thib´
> I've tried this script. No matter how many files are in the
> directory, it says that there is only one file. The directory I used
> should have returned thirteen as a value.
> I tried making the path '.' so it would count the files in the
> same directory it was in. But it again said it there was only one
> when there was also thirteen files in that directory.
> Here is how I coded the call:
> <?php
> echo countfiles('.') or '[warning: unable to open dir]';
> ?>
> I copied it from your post. The only alterations I made were
> to make it three lines and change the directory location.
> Regards,
> Fred
Did you try my solution? It should be alot quicker than the above
method, but I did forget to ask, are their directories in the folder
that shouldnt be counted?
Thats a problem with the above example by thib also, file names without
extensions wouldnt be counted.
A sure fire way of doing it would be:
$dir = './directory';
function countfiles($dir = '.')
$count = 0;
$dir = rtrim($dir,'/').'/';
if(!is_dir($dir)) return false;
foreach(new DirectoryIterator($dir) as $file)
if(is_file($dir.$file)) $count++;
return $count;
echo countfiles();
Of course, this is PHP5, and if you dont have PHP5, you should be
changing hosts :P Use these new SPL functions given to us for faster code!
Daniel Ennis
faNetworks.net - Quality Web Hosting and Ventrilo Services
System Administrator / Web Developer
PHP Developer for 6 years
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