Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/14/08 19:20
Kurda Yon wrote:
>> Anyway... This happens, when register_globals
>> (http://de.php.net/register_globals) is active (see first comment), which
>> is also a sure sign, that you should really change your hoster because of
>> incompetence.
> Will I be able to use global variables after I turn off the
> register_globals? In my code I use the global variables extensively,
> and I would not like to rewrite everything. By the way, way it is so
> bad if the register_global is turned on? I do not see any problems in
> the effect that I have described in my first post.
Global variables (which you shouldn't use) will still work.
register_globals just affects $_SESSION, $_COOKIE, $_GET and $_POST.
And yes, you should think about rewriting your code to get rid of global
variables. They make troubleshooting your code and changes much harder.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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