Posted by Baho Utot on 01/14/08 21:55
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Baho Utot wrote:
>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> My WORST outage was down to a brownout situation that tripped the
> circuits here while I was out. The server was down overnight. I forgot
> to reboot it when we got power back on. No one complained.
>> Sounds like you've been lucky to not have any outages in five years. It
>> is not the norm. Communications outages happen all of the time. That's
>> why major data centers have redundant links through different providers.
> I think its more that you have been, if not unlucky, unfortunate to live
> somewhere where the local infrastructure is basically third world.
I do live in a third world country (Philippines) and I don't have that many
outages, only when a typhoon comes thru and that is understandable :)
Dancin in the ruins tonight
Tayo'y Mga Pinoy
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